Shawna Elizabeth DavenportMay 21 1985 - May 10 2002Shawna, It's been 5 years today that you were taken from us - and it still feels like it has happened all over again. I miss you so much, baby. You are in my thoughts every hour of every day. I miss your beautiful smile, your loving personality - just your whole being. I know you're looking down on us, and even though my heart breaks everyday for you - one day we will be together. I try the best I can to look after your Mom - we have the whole country that separates us - but we talk on the phone a lot. You would be so proud of her - and your Dad and brothers - Brian and Mikey. I miss you Shaw... Love Aunt TT
Deathbysocks KAL knit with Opal Cotton - just love this yarn:)
Tonight's the night that I decided to sit down and write in my blog. I've done a bit of knitting - mostly hats for everyone for Christmas. I made a pair of socks for the Deathbysocks yahoogroup that I'm in. I used an Opal cotton - and just love the way they came out. I'm sure my "victim" will like them. I think they'd be perfect for wearing with jeans. I'll post a pic. I've set aside some of my many other projects OTN - such as Spring Forward Cardigan, Afghan for hubby, another pair of socks - my first magic loop socks, and about 4 other projects (so I can concentrate on some upcoming socks knitting projects). I have them all in a shopping bag - and they go with me every where. I got some great knitting gifts for Christmas - set of Knitpicks needles (the whole sha-bang:), a really pretty wicker knitting basket, a ball winder and swift (love, love, love them), and two great books (from my nephew), Barbara Walkers second treasury, and Crochet Bags - fantastic. I also got a gift certificate from my Mom and sister, Franny for a LYS - Hill Top Yarns (one of my favs). I have a goal for this year - I'm going to keep track of all my knitting projects, rubber stamp projects, scrapbook pages I've completed, books I've read - and sewing projects completed. I know it's a stupid goal, but when I look back I want to know that I've accomplished all my crafty goals. My newest thing is Digital Scrapbooking - which is not going that great. I have Photoshop Elements 5.0 - and I just can't get the layering thing down. It's been frustrating - so I set it aside this past week. But, I'm not going to give up:) BTW, Project Spectrum has started up again, and the colors for Feb and Mar are blue, white and gray. A pair of socks that I'm knitting are blue - so that's one project down. Just have to think of something white and gray. I want to knit something in all three colrs for the two month spread - another little goal:) Well, I'm going to post some pics then knit some more on a piar of socks for a friend - then to bed.
Yikes, it's been awhile since I've posted. I don't have a lot of knitting news - knitted 7 rolled-brim caps, and still working on my hubby's afghan. Finished up quite a few projects - and lining up three to start after the 1st of the year. We did have an incredible storm here last Thursday (Dec 14th) and lost our power. We just got it back tonight at about 9:30 - and we survived it:)Our town was the hardest hit – lost 150 electrical poles along the road outside our development. We had trees and power lines down all over the place, and had family and friends calling from all over to make sure we were ok – as they had heard that Woodinville was hit the hardest. There are only three ways to get to our home – and all three roads were closed. Believe me, after the first couple of days it wasn’t fun anymore. I just kept saying that all my kiddies are home, we’re all together, and we just have to make the best of it. Of course, we lost everything in our frig and freezer – so will have to restock tomorrow. And my goal of making a different Christmas cookie everyday was crushed. I guess we’ll just have to make up for lost time. It’ll be fun baking all day – Christmas Eve. At least we’ll have our Christmas dinner. We were told all along that we might not get power back until Christmas day – or later. But, thanks to so many wonderful men and women from power companies all over the good ole USA we have it back now. We had about 50 power trucks up and down the road last night with crews from Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Delaware, and Washington State. It was amazing – and felt so good to know that so many people were putting their lives on hold, to come here and help out. Believe me the weather hasn’t been the greatest – freezing temps and rain – lots of it. Now we just have to get caught up on everything – doing dishes, laundry, picking up the house, etc. We have been doing a lot of Christmas shopping - so now have a ton to wrap before Christmas Day. It was getting dark here before 4:00pm and believe me, it's no fun wrapping presents in the dark. It just feels so great to finally have our power back. I will post some pics of some of the damage as soon as I can. Also, some knitting pics. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and Happy Holidays - I'm off to get another load of laundry going...
Well, my hubby and I are off to Vegas for the Jimmy Buffett concert. We leave bright and early in the AM (exactly 5 1/2 hours). I'm all packed, but just need to decide what knitting projects I'm going to bring. I started a lace scarf - so will bring that, but I don't want to bring anything too big as it takes up too much space. I have a few hours to decide:) I'm really, really tired right now - and not thinking clearly - so I will sign off. I'll post pics as soon as we get back. Hopefully I'll have one or two projects done by the time we return... Have a great weekend
At long last, I am finally updating my blog. My comput problems didn't get solved until mid August and it's taken me until now to finally get everything installed and organized again. What a pain in the you-know-what:) I have done quite a bit of knitting, in addition to some quilting. If I don't have a project close at hand, I will totally go nuts. I carry my knitting bag with me everywhere I go:) I'm sure most of you can relate. On the home front, we now have three kiddies in college - and all going to Washington State University (WSU). Our youngest is 14 - so thank goodness we won't be "empty nesters" for another 4 years. Our puppy, Koda (a Bernese Mountain Dog) is almost 11 months old - and now over 100 lbs. He is the cutest puppy I have ever seen - and I just love him!! I can't believe I'm saying that as I was never a dog lover. He has changed my life forever:) Between now and Christmas things are going to be busy here. I want to make quite a few knitted "items" for my family for Christmas - so I better get moving:) I'll keep you posted...
Here's the whole family. That is a bathing suit that Kelly is wearing - couldn't figure out how to "add a t-shirt" :) I really love this picture as it's the first in a long time where we're all in it.
Here's my little baby - Koda. This was taken right after we gave him a bath - and he's outside "drying off".
Another pics of my beautiful kiddies. No, they never get sick of having a camera in their faces
Here are my beautiful kiddies - Shannon, Kristen, Patrick, Kelly, and little Koda.
This is one of the placemats that I made - my first attempt at applique
. It was a lot easier then I thought - and so much fun. I took a class at Quiltworks Northwest (in Bellevue, WA), with a great teacher - JB!! Thank you JB for a great time. I have also signed up for the class to make Christmas Ornament placemats - and can't wait!! I'll keep you posted...
I just love, love, love this pattern - the Blue Hawaii Tote (Pursenalities book)
. It was so much fun to knit - and can't wait to make a few more from both books - Pursenalities and Pursenalities Plus. I plan on making each of my girls one for Christmas. I want to make the Tutu bag for one (with longer handles) and still up in the air for my other two girls.
This is my Spring Forward Cardigan. Just picture this with another 6 inches done - and look at it now. I saw someone else's finished cardi and knew right away that something just wasn't right with one of my cables - so frogged it!! I haven't picked this up (other then taking this picture tonight:)
since mid August, but plan on bringing it with me when we go to Vegas this thursday. (Jimmy Buffet concert - yeah, baby) I just love this pattern and the yarn so I will not give up. At least it's not the same frustration level as the afghan that I'm making my hubby. This pattern is so much fun to knit. I'll keep you all posted:)
This poor little sock wants its mate finished!! As you can tell I'm not very far along with the 2nd sock. Clearly SSS:) Can't wait to finish so I can get another pair going...
This afghan is going to be a Christmas present for my adorable hubby. I am knitting Rick - # 9. I just love all the patterns in this booklet, but it was very frustrating at first. I frogged the blasted thing 10 times (and I'm not exaggerating). I was so close to tears one night that I just wanted to toss the whole thing out. I
didn't give up, though, and finally figured out my problem. There is a 15 stitch repeat and with 143 stitches OTN, I kept messing up. Well, I finally added stitch markers, (duh:) and I'm home free. This was anything but quick at the beginning. Now I have completed 7 repeats and I'm speeding along. This is my first time using Bernat satin, and I just love it!! I was in Ben Franklin Crafts a few weeks ago and noticed a baby blanket on display using this yarn - it felt heavenly. So, I'm now hooked:)